Our canadian log homes use materials and craftsmanship that will last for generations. Characterized by extremely well engineered roof systems and complex joinery we can build from designs that appear impossible to do. This makes the home truly an expression of individualism. In addition, we provide full design services, window packages and finishing options such as stairs, fireplaces, railings, custom carvings and log furniture.
Our homes are completed and assembled at our work site prior to being shipped by truck or container to your building site. This ensures that no components are missing and everything fits as designed.
We works closely with your local contractors to ensure a smooth set-up that will minimize costs and avoid delays. This includes communicating clearly our requirements for site preparation and scheduling. If requested, we will send our employees to set-up the home.
Um eine bessere Vorstellung zu erhalten, wie unglaublich gemütlich ein "Canadisches Blockhaus" ist, werfen Sie einen Blick in unsere -»
Bildergalerie...See what it means to live in a Real Canadian Cedar Home, take a look at our -»
Picture galeryFimenstandort:
Hannes Salcher
Büro u. Lager
Innsbrucker Str. 14d,
A-6380 St. Johann in Tirol
Tel.: / Fax.: +43 (0) 5352 63000
Mobil:+43 (0) 699 10 80 9000
Canadian connection: John Salcher in coop. with Lake Country Log Homes, BC, Canada
Pour avoir une meilleure idée de la confortabibité d' un Chalet en rondins canadien, voyez dans la catégorie galerie d' images !
ImagesMusterhaus Oberndorf / Kitzbühel
Hannes Salcher
Innsbrucker Str. 14d
A-6380 St. Johann in Tirol
Tel.:0043-699 10 80 9000
Tel./Fax: 0043-5352 63000